Dehors les MONGOLS !

le 28/11/2008 14:48
Citation :
Bonjour à tous!

J'en avais parlé ici il y a de ça quelques temps, mais c'est maintenant une réalité: MultiVerZ ouvre bientôt ses portes!

Je vous invite tous à faire un tour sur la page du site sur Facebook pour plus d'information.

La version Béta du site (une version test), commencera Mardi prochain. Si vous souhaitez y participer, rendez-vous a l'adresse ci-dessus et suivez les instructions!

Si vous ne parlez pas anglais ou ne possedez pas de compte facebook, je vous tiendrais au courant de la suite des opérations!


voila, c'est donc raphael qui vous crée l'équivalent de facebook pour les joueurs de magis .

Citation :
You know the name, now let me tell you what Multiverz, MVZ, is about.

MVZ is a free to use social network website. It aims at creating a new dynamism for Organized Play by bringing all magic players together in one place.

In a nutshell here is the structure of the site:

-Profile pages:
On MVZ, you will find different kinds of profile pages, depending on the entity you are representing.
As for the most represented: Players and stores
Players' profiles: On MVZ, you are playing "yourself". You complete your profile and interact with others using your identity as a Magic player.
Stores' profiles: Stores or local organizations can set up their own pages in order to advertize their events, or simply to keep their players up to date.

On MVZ, everyone can create content. Content might be reports, articles, comic strips... about anything you can imagine. Depending on your favorite formats, location, the author, you will be alerted when something comes up and might match your likes.
Feature articles will make the front page as well as the most popular articles.

From there, it is up to you to use the site as you will. We will provide some functions and a platform, you can use them to build your network.
For example you can:
-Gather your team, use private forum and chat modules along with deckbuilding enablers to share your new techs and secret strategies.
-As a shop owner, customize your store profile, have your local players register and use newsletters to make sure no one misses your next events.
-Find players in your area or in a city you are to visit.
-Check out your friends' latest reports or articles. maybe you find a decklist or a report from the other side of the world and want to contact the author directly.

There are a lot more things I can think of. Some of them have not been programmed yet, like trading, but will probably be added in the future.

Let us know if you have any ideas and suggestions to make MVZ as useful and enjoyable as possible. MultiVerZ will be your site, help us make it a better experience.

In a first step the Beta will help fix the bugs and gather information about what could be cool to add. I can not predict how long it will take but we intend to offer you the best service as possible once it is open to everyone.
haut de page - Les forums de MV >> Général >> Discussion : page 1
Fuck shit up

le 28/11/2008 15:00
I'm in \o/

le 28/11/2008 15:24
Montpellier, France

le 28/11/2008 20:38
ça a l'air sympa, j'irai sûrement!
le 28/11/2008 23:10
Nara, Japon

j'suis pas d'accord
le 29/11/2008 3:46
y'a un copyright sur MVZ, ca veut dire Magic-Ville Z :<

le 29/11/2008 9:13
en même temps, tous les vrais joueurs de Magic sont sur MV, pourquoi chercher ailleurs ?

le 29/11/2008 9:39
Magic-Ville n'a rien à voir avec Dragon Ball...
Nara, Japon

le 29/11/2008 9:44
depuis quand Z est reverve a dragon ball? :p

pis bon, j'pense que seul JM (et les irreductibles magic-villois) comprendra ma reference :p )

vous avez raison
le 29/11/2008 14:05
gardons nos boules chez nous :p
Dr. Z0!d

le 29/11/2008 15:17
Ca a l'air nice ccmme projet
Presque-rien, Je ne sais quoi

le 29/11/2008 15:19
+1 avec tutur

le 29/11/2008 22:28
Les masterZ sont fans de dragon ball? :o

allez quoi, quand même pas !
haut de page - Les forums de MV >> Général >> Discussion : page 1
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